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6 Weeks Can Change Your Life

“Being a part of the Accelerate journey has been life changing! I will be forever grateful to you for creating this space and platform and for granting me a seat at this table. It changed the way that I view my career. It changed me as a person. I now acknowledge and respect the value I bring.”

-EV, Windhoek

I recently read a piece in the NY Times about the YOLO economy, and I cringed. Because A: what even is that? B: the story was evidence that too many of us are settling and waiting for "someday" to live lives that we actually like. And C: the fact that Drake popularized “YOLO” a decade ago, when it feels like last week to me, hurt my wanna-be young feelings.

But I digress. The gist of the article is that as we emerge from COVID, more people are trading careers they find unfulfilling for the people and things they find most meaningful.

While masses of people transitioning to spend their lives on something they love is definitely worth celebrating, the piece was sobering. It was sobering because it reminded me of Alice Walker's words,

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."

Sadly, as a coach, this is something that I see play out in people's lives daily. Too many of us have bought into the belief that we need to be svelte, extroverted, twenty-something-year-olds with seven-figure trust funds to live our dreams.

But I, my friend, am living proof that that isn't true.

In July, it will be 15 years since I changed my life and moved to Johannesburg. I knew three people, had two suitcases, and precisely one goal: build a life that I loved.

Source: Blavity.Com

My move to Joburg is part of a much longer story, some of which you can find in this throwback talk, "Say Yes to You." But suffice it to say, I know what it feels like to be stuck, to be uncertain about the future, and to know that something needs to change but having no idea what that thing was.

This experience is in part why I created Accelerate, a six-week professional development course for women. I know so many talented women who haven’t had an opportunity to think intentionally about their lives and careers. Too many of us haven’t even defined our dream, let alone figured out how to make it a reality.

During Accelerate, I’ll help you to do both. And rest assured, following your dreams doesn’t necessarily mean quitting your job, moving countries, or ever uttering “YOLO." But it does require investing the time to figure out what you want and creating a plan to achieve it.

“I can say truly that this class has been tremendous in helping me figure out where I need to go. The format of the entire class, the resources of it, the different contributions made from everyone else's perspectives, allowed me to see that I am responsible for how this narrative turns out based on what I do from day to day. But it has also allowed me to give myself some grace that, you know, it's not going to be perfect if I don't figure it out by the end of the week or even by the end of the year, but that I am making those gradual steps toward it."

-GL, Houston

Wondering if Accelerate is right for you?

  • Are you at a transition point in your career and trying to figure out what’s next?

  • Do you know exactly where you want to go professionally, but you need a plan to get there?

  • Are you tired of working hard but not getting the results that you want?

  • Do you feel stuck at your current level and want to break through to the next level?

  • Do you feel like the skills that moved you to your current position aren’t enough to move you forward?

  • Do you feel like procrastination, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, and people-pleasing hold you back?

  • Are you struggling to make your career dreams a reality while balancing the rest of your life?

“I was able to use what I learned in Accelerate to in my career as an academic immediately. Within a year of the course I was promoted, I was published in a book for the first time, presented at two international conferences, and was asked to join UN panel as an expert. Accelerate is one of the best professional decisions I ever made.”

-LT, Johannesburg

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Accelerate could help move you forward. During this course, you will:

  • Gain greater clarity around your purpose and how to pursue it professionally

  • Develop a career map to help you identify and pursue strategic opportunities

  • Learn how to confidently and authentically communicate to get the outcomes you want

  • Identify and work through the internal obstacles holding you back

  • Create strategies to deal with external obstacles and common issues in the workplace that hold women back

  • Learn alongside a small group of incredible women 👭🏾

The next round of Accelerate starts on June 8th and will be offered at 6 PM EST and 6 PM SAST. The course will meet every Tuesday for six weeks and will end on July 13th.

Interested in enrolling? The first step is to book a discovery call with me to find out if the course is right for you. Space is limited, so book today.

Chat soon!


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